The Role of Micro-finance in the Development of African Economies

The Role of Micro-finance in the Development of African Economies by @BLudwigAuthor #african #microfinance #lending #malawi

Micro-finance in Action Many people in North America and Western Europe have heard about the role that micro-finance can play in helping people in developing countries. I was fortunate enough to travel to Malawi in south central Africa to research the industry first-hand, and to meet many of its players. What I discovered was enlightening,…

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Inspiration for Those Who Would Be King

Inspiration for Those Who Would Be King by @BLudwigAuthor #africa #book #inspiration

Finding Inspiration I have always been fascinated with development in Africa. In the early 1980s, a family from the farming community of Sussex, New Brunswick, sold their modern dairy farm and moved to Africa. They were the initial family – the pioneers, per se – to be sent to a sub-Saharan African country on a development…

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